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Land TypeAcresSquare Ft.Actual FrontageEff. FrontageDepthNo Of UnitsValue
HSHome Site1.000000.00000 .000000$10,600

No CAUV Land On This Property

IMPR TypeDescriptionAreaLengthWidthYear Built Value
AdditionOpen Fr Porch256 SQ FT$7,590
AdditionOpen Ms Porch102 SQ FT$5,170
AdditionOpen Patio Ms Floor135 SQ FT$680
AdditionWood Deck96 SQ FT$1,390
FeatureFireplace Openings1$1,800
FeatureFireplace Stacks1$3,300
Other ImprovementResidential Carport156060261965$5,980
Other ImprovementDetch Br Garage57624241965$7,220
Other ImprovementDetch Wood Deck 801082020$860

-- Card 1

No Special Assessments Found.

Transfer History
Date Sale Amount To Transfer Type Conveyance Deed # Parcels
01/04/2010 $67,500 MARTIN THOMAS W Change Owner 7 1

Value History
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization2022 $10,600 $97,900$108,500
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization2022 $10,600 $100,100$110,700
New Construction - Full Value2020 $11,000 $80,300$91,300
Value of Bldgs, Destroyed or Demolished2020 $11,000 $74,900$85,900
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization2019 $11,000 $76,700$87,700
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization2016 $10,000 $69,700$79,700
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization2013 $10,200 $68,600$78,800
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization2010 $10,500 $70,700$81,200
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization2007 $11,200 $74,200$85,400
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization2004 $10,580 $70,000$80,580
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization2001 $9,520 $67,800$77,320
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization1998 $8,500 $60,540$69,040
Miscellaneous1996 $9,660 $56,460$66,120
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization1995 $9,660 $56,460$66,120
Reappraisal, Update or Annual Equalization1992 $8,080 $47,210$55,290
New Construction - Full Value1992 $0 $2,000$2,000
Miscellaneous1986 $6,000 $42,870$48,870